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[分享] ESPN報導:水原一平承認罪行

最新2024-05-09 20:39:00
推噓64 ( 67328 )
來源:https://es.pn/4dAtCOD 隨便翻 Ippei Mizuhara agreed Wednesday to plead guilty to federal charges of felony ban k fraud and submitting a false tax return after authorities found that he stole nearly $17 million from Los Angeles Dodgers superstar Shohei Ohtani in order to pay off gambling debts to an illegal sportsbook. 水原一平昨天同意認罪(銀行詐欺重罪與繳交不實稅務申報表),此前有關當局發現他偷了 大谷將近1700萬美金以償還債務。 Mizuhara, 39, who had been Ohtani's longtime interpreter, is expected to enter h is guilty plea in the coming weeks. His arraignment is scheduled for Tuesday in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. 水原曾長期擔任大谷翻譯,預計將在未來幾周內認罪,他排定在下週二於地方法院受審。 A sentencing date has not been set. The total maximum sentence Mizuhara could re ceive for both crimes would be 33 years imprisonment and fines of $1.25 million, but in exchange for his plea -- outlined in the agreement released Wednesday -- prosecutors would recommend a reduced sentence. 判決日期還未確定,水原這兩項罪名最多可以判處33年刑期以及125萬鎂罰金,但作為認罪 協商的交換條件,檢察官會建議較低的刑期。 The plea agreement says Mizuhara will be required to pay full restitution, or $1 6,975,010, to Ohtani. A spokesperson for Ohtani declined to comment, as did the Dodgers. 認罪協議稱水原需要支付全額賠償($16,975,010)給大谷。 大谷的發言人以及道奇隊皆拒絕回應。 Federal authorities filed the complaint against Mizuhara on April 11, just three weeks after an ESPN investigation detailing wire transfers of $500,000 from Oht ani's bank account to the bookmaking operation. Mizuhara initially told ESPN Oht ani had sent the money to help him pay his debts but later changed his story to say Ohtani had no knowledge of his gambling or the wire transfers. Ohtani's atto rneys alleged the slugger had been the victim of a "massive theft." 聯邦當局於4/11起訴水原,就在ESPN開始追查大谷帳戶有一筆50萬鎂被轉帳到非法博彩公司 的三週後。水原最初告知ESPN那是大谷幫他還債,隨後改變說法稱大谷對此一無所知。大谷 的律師聲稱他的客戶是大規模竊盜的受害者。 "The extent of this defendant's deception and theft is massive," said United Sta tes Attorney Martin Estrada in a press release. "He took advantage of his positi on of trust to take advantage of Mr. Ohtani and fuel a dangerous gambling habit. " 檢察官在新聞稿中表示水原的欺騙以及盜竊行為規模龐大,他利用大谷對自己的信任助長了 險的賭博行為。 Also in the statement, IRS Criminal Investigation Special Agent in Charge Tyler Hatcher said, "Mr. Mizuhara exploited his relationship with Mr. Ohtani to bankro ll his own irresponsibility." IRS刑事調查特別負責人在同一篇聲明中表示水原利用他跟大谷的關係為自己不負責任的行 為提供資金。 The documents filed Wednesday further detailed a relationship of trust in which Ohtani, who did not speak English, relied on his Japanese translator to help him with everything from answering questions at press conferences, transacting with financial advisors and sports agents, and opening bank accounts. 昨天公布的文件進一步詳細地說明兩方的信任關係,大谷不會英文所以需要日本翻譯協助他 處理一切事務,包含接受媒體採訪,與財務顧問和經紀人進行交流以及開設銀行帳戶。 Mizuhara began placing bets with an illegal bookmaker in September 2021, and as his losses quickly mounted, he began to exploit his access to Ohtani's financial accounts to pay off his debts. 水原於2021年九月開始進行非法投注。隨著損失快速增加,他開始利用接觸大谷帳戶的機會 來償還債務。 Mizuhara took many steps to deceive Ohtani, including changing contact informati on on the baseball player's bank accounts so communication would come to Mizuhar a. He even impersonated Ohtani on the phone with calls to the bank, which he did at least 24 times, according to the plea agreement. 水原使用許多手段欺騙大谷,包含更改帳戶的聯絡資訊。根據認罪協議,他甚至冒充大谷用 電話與銀行聯絡,這樣的行為至少發生過24次。 In one such attempt, on Feb. 2, 2022, Mizuhara called a representative of a bank -- referred to as Bank A -- for help getting a wire transfer for what Mizuhara said was a "car loan" and verified the transaction with a six-digit code sent vi a text message, which went to Mizuhara's phone as he had already changed the inf ormation on the account. 在2022年2月2日的一次嘗試中,水原致電A銀行的代表請求幫助轉帳一筆名義為汽車貸款的 匯款,並使用了六位數代碼驗證交易。由於水原更改了帳戶資訊,簡訊被發送到他的手機。 In September 2023, Mizuhara told Ohtani he needed $60,000 for dental work, which Ohtani arranged to give him via a check drawn from a business account. However, Mizuhara pocketed that money and instead used Ohtani's debit card to pay the $6 0,000 dental bill. 在2023年9月,水原告訴大谷自己需要6萬鎂用於牙科治療。大谷提供了支票,但水原拿這筆 錢中飽私囊並且用大谷的簽帳金融卡付帳。 The agreement also states that Mizuhara filed a false tax return for tax year 20 22, noting multiple inaccuracies such as failing to report $4.1 million, accordi ng to the plea agreement. For that, he owes an additional $1.15 million in taxes . 根據認罪協議,水原還提交了2022納稅年度的不實申報資料並指出多項不正確之處,例如少 申報410萬鎂,因此他還欠了額外115萬的稅款。 大概是這樣 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1715205763.A.465.html

98 則留言

AV771118, 1F

laking, 2F
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 05/09/2024 06:07:38

somanyee, 3F

thermo409, 4F
六萬鎂就算是在這看牙齒也算太多了 單純錢太多沒問XD
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 05/09/2024 06:10:58

plauge, 5F
要零用錢+偷錢 這好像是小學生會對外婆做出的行為
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 05/09/2024 06:12:00

chyng1202, 6F

kenro, 7F

RicFlair, 8F

choobii, 9F

RicFlair, 10F

laking, 11F

lmf770410, 12F
6萬美金還真的有可能 如果好幾次的話

liusim, 13F
而且是當大谷的翻譯年薪才那麼高 從世界最高薪翻譯跌到谷

liusim, 14F

thermo409, 15F
這裡植牙或牙冠一顆就3K-5K 他全口植牙XD?

plauge, 16F
賣器官 賣屁股 去抓帝王蟹 什麼工作有辦法賺到16m

laking, 17F

daisyung, 18F

Adam6613, 19F
原本翻譯界PR99.9一手好牌打成這樣 可憐哪

nigatsuki, 20F

danieljaw, 21F

a49061854, 22F
趕快止損 賠掉的賺回來就好了...賭博真可怕

Suntia, 23F

chyng1202, 24F

sodabing, 25F
希望出獄後 可以向台灣球迷說聲抱歉

Parazicecum, 26F
6萬鎂即使在美國可信度也很低吧 尤其道奇這種球團肯

Parazicecum, 27F
定也有牙醫保險 說大谷太專注在棒球所以會信還差不多

laking, 28F

nuclearbomb, 29F

H122859603, 30F

yoseii, 31F

goury, 32F

goury, 33F

jjooee1428, 34F

Guoplus, 35F
認罪協商條件是還錢 他哪來錢可以還 再賭兩把嗎

redcardo, 36F

yang826, 37F
1.寫書 2.出獄湊資金自導自演把這事件翻拍電影

safyrose, 38F
跟Netflix自告奮勇願意飾演水原一平 反正演技也夠力

leofu100, 39F
沒大谷翻譯工作 能還錢機率趨近0

ct13579, 89F

Destery, 90F

qazzaq3977, 91F

hsgreent, 92F
米國看牙要價6萬鎂還真的是不無可能 我覺得一平牙齒應

hsgreent, 93F
該是有去用 年初翻譯的時候有覺得他的牙是不是去做全瓷

hsgreent, 94F

gswsb, 95F

asd1, 96F
他有弄牙齒 看原文更清楚 他是A了大谷開的張6萬鎂支票

asd1, 97F

mizuhara, 98F

wakuwaku, 99F

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